Actividades anexas al transporte
Productos y servicios
Transporte marítimo de pasajeros.
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Actividades anexas al transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Actividades anexas al transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
Other transportation support activities
Service activities incidental to water transportation
The company is engaged on passenger embarkation and disembarkation, luggage handling and passenger check-in. The company was incorporated in 2007 to take charge of the cruise terminal operation and to render services to cruise passengers in the Port of Malaga. The registered head office of the company is located in Malaga, Spain. The company is a concessionaire of the three passenger terminals of the Port of Malaga: Terminal A, Terminal B and the Palm Terminal. A total area of 18,864 square meters of cruise traffic dedicated infrastructure where rendering services to cruise passengers. The company at the forefront in the Med will handle one million passengers per year. It has become a point of reference for the cruise ship market in the Mediterranean, gaming a significant importance because of a huge cruise traffic increase along the last years.